2LATE Animation
The short 2LATE animation is a personal project showcasing an artistic rendition of Flushing Meadows Corona Park, a New York park I frequented when I was young. The New York State Pavilion, the Unisphere, and the UFOs all make an appearance in the animation, as well as my own 2LATE logo.
To make the animation pop out and to stay consistent, I limited myself to just three colors: black, white, and pink. This also had the effect of staying true to the older technology it was inspired by; many systems that display large pixels also have a limited color palette. The blocky, pixellated style is one I have a large amount of experience with. I always enjoy animating this way, as the restrictions force me to be creative and resourceful. When you don’t have enough space to represent something the way you want to, you need to come up with a solution to maximize pixels. Working in this style has taught me how to shape compelling compositions and ensure that a design can maintain a viewer’s valuable attention, even in a small amount of space.